Summer schools

Open data and their importance in healthcare and biomedicine

7. September 2022, Brno

COVID-19 epidemiology

6–8 September 2021, Buchlovice

Problem-based and team-based learning strategies in the education of biomedical and life sciences

10–12 September 2019, Rakvice

Analysis of clinical and epidemiological data: from data pre-processing to visualization of results

11–12 September 2018, Rakvice

Data processing, visualization, and mining from the perspective of decision-making processes

13–14 September 2017, Telč

National health statistics – methodology, results, presentation

14–15 September 2016, Brno

Data pre-processing in database systems and R, algorithmisation, and software tools for data processing

16–18 September 2015, Brno

Image data analysis and processing in neurosciences

9–12 September 2014, Ochoz u Brna

Stochastic modelling in epidemiology

10–13 September 2013, Podlesí u Sněžného

From genomic data analysis do clinical applications – case studies

12–15 September 2012, Mikulov

Biodiversity from genetics to geography, from mathematics to management

15–17 Septemberí 2011, Lednice

Deterministic and stochastic modelling in biology and medicine

23–25 September 2010, Lednice

Analysis of clinical and biomedical data in multidisciplinary settings

21–23 May 2009, Brno

Statistical methods for genetic and molecular data

29–31 May 2008, Brno

Processing and analysis of biodivesity data: from genomic diversity to structure of ecosystems

13–15 August 2007, Mikulov

Predictive modelling and ICT in environmental epidemiology

11–13 September 2006, Brno

Computational biology

4–5 September 2005, Brno

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